Rabu, 18 Desember 2019


Movie Maker

Movie Maker adalah sebuah program editing video yang sederhana, didesain untuk PC dengan sedikit pengalaman untuk membuat video rumahan.

B.Fungsi Movie Maker 

Movie Maker berfungsi sebagai alat untuk membuat, mengedit, capture foto dari sebuah video berjalan dan berbagi film-film rumahan.
Mengkompilasi dan mengedit film dari video klip dengan drag-and-drop functionality. Menambahkan efek khusus, musik, dan narasi dengan mudah.

Untuk Pengalaman Lebih Lanjut Silahkan Download  dibawah ini!!

Image result for aplikasi windows movie maker


Fungsi Screen Capture

PC Screen Capture akan memungkinkan pengguna untuk merekam konten seluruh halaman atau menyorot bagian-bagian yang ingin disimpannya sebagai file gambar terpisah. Fitur drop-and-drag yang unik adalah ideal ketika informasi perlu disimpan dalam waktu singkat. Semua kontrol dapat ditemukan pada menu di bagian atas halaman, jadi mengakses fungsi dasar tidak pernah menjadi masalah. Beberapa jenis file seperti .JPG, .BMP, dan .GIF semuanya didukung.

Perangkat lunak bebas untuk mengambil gambar dalam layar komputer

PC Screen Capture adalah paket ringan dan sangat efisien yang akan membantu pengguna untuk merekam konten layar dalam skenario real-time. Berfungsi mirip dengan bundel lain seperti Snagit atau Greenshot, manfaat utama dalam sistem ini adalah bahwa itu benar-benar gratis untuk diunduh dan dipasang. Ini didukung oleh sebagian besar sistem operasi Windows.

Untuk lebih jelas silahkan download dibawah ini!



Hello Everyone………..
Kali ini saya akan bahas interface dari aplikasi Audacity

Interface Audacity
Sebagai salah satu tool editing sound yang dapat diperoleh secara gratis, Audacity memiliki fitur fitur lengkap untuk editing sederhana sampai menengah. Berikut tampilan interface  Audacity.

Silahkan Download dibawah ini Mengenai Interface Audacity 
Image result for kegunaan aplikasi audacity

Senin, 16 Desember 2019


Teaching Materials with Media of Audacity

With Audacity, users can correct certain sound files, or simply add various effects provided .
The advantages of this application are features and stability. The library used is also not too much and the waiting time is also not too long. The weakness of this application is that the user interface is a bit stiff compared to similar applications in other operating systems.

Audacity application and its functions.

Improving listening skill
Make Ringtones
Eliminates Vocal Sounds
Slow down the song
Combining Two Audio Files

       Teaching material is learning material created by teachers to help the implementation of the chasing that will be done. Teaching materials consist of two, namely printed teaching materials and non-printed teaching materials. Listening is an activity undertaken to capture messages conveyed by voice messages involving activities identifying messages, interpreting messages and responding to meanings and messages conveyed. Learning media is a teacher's tool to deliver messages to students so that learning messages can be received effectively and efficiently so that learning objectives can be achieved. There are many ways to arrange teaching materials on listening skills, one of which is to use audacity media. The first step is downloading the Audacity software, the second step is preparing the audio to be edited with Audacity, and the third step is preparing the teaching material.

This section will present some opinions on listening (listening skills). Tarigan in Fery Mirna (2013: 12) states that listening is a process of listening to verbal symbols with full attention, understanding, appreciation, and interpretation to obtain information, capture content or messages and understand the meaning of communication that has been conveyed by the speaker through speech or spoken language.

      “Listening skill is a technique used for understanding, what is being said by taking into account how something is said and the nonverbal signs and body language that accompanies it. This technique requires practice as listening is very difficult. A person who controls his mind and practices attentive listening will be successful in life and his career.” (TutorVista.com, 2018).

Below is an audio listening for students. With this kind of program it is expected that students will be easier to achieve the goal of spelling in listening comprehension.

Example of Audio Listening Download Here!

Image result for GAMBAR download


                                  Paint Brush

Paint is a default program from Windows that we can use to do some image editing fun that we often need. Among others, such as changing the image file type, cropping, resizing, rotating images, adding text, images, and so on.

It is unfortunate that many do not know about the usefulness of paint. Especially when we are confused because the image needed has a different file type than the image we have, or also the size / resolution / dimensions that are not appropriate, and so on.

Paint can be a solution if we do not have or do not master advanced image editing programs like Photoshop. The advantage of Paint is that it is very easy to use, lightweight, doesn't require installation, and is user friendly. Here is a short tutorial on using Paint to do photo editing or digital images.


Image result for GAMBAR download