Minggu, 24 November 2019


A.    Group and Phrases
The three functional components of meaning, ideational, interpersonal and textual, are realized throughout the grammar of a language. But whereas in the grammar of the clause each component contributes a more or less complete structure, so that a clause is made up of three distinct structures combined into one , when we look below the clause, and consider the grammar of the group, the pattern is somewhat different. Although we can still recognize the same three components, they are not represented in the form of separate whole structures, but rather as partial contributions to a single structural line.
The difference between clause and group in this respect is only one of degree; but it is sufficient to enable us to analyse the structure of the group in one operation, rather than in three operations as we did with the clause. At the same time, in interpreting group structure we have to split the ideational metafunction into two modes of construing experience: experiential and logical. So far what we have been describing under the ideational heading has been meaning as organization of experience; but there is also a logical aspect to it – language as the construal of certain very general logical relations – and it is this we have to introduce now.



Types of estimating reliability:
  1. Test retest
           one test is administered to the same students at least two different times
  1. Parallel forms
            two different version of test at the same time are administered to the same students
  1. Two scorers
            one test is administered once to the students and the scores are separated into two 



A. Background

All of us have memories of our teachers who had taught us during school or college days. A few of them were good, whereas others were not so good. Let us analyze why did we call them good? Yes, they were caring, sympathetic, and pleasant besides being effective in their teaching. One thing common among them was that they used new methods, techniques and teaching learning materials to make teaching interesting, thus, effective. 
Teaching learning materials (TLMs), also known as instructional aids, facilitate a teacher in achieving the learning objectives formulated by her/him prior to teaching-learning activities start. In the present Unit, we will introduce you to various teaching learning materials, which are used to make classroom teaching and learning interesting and effective.
In this chapter we shall discuss variety of teaching learning materials used in classroom teaching. We will also explain how to prepare low or no cost TLMs from locally available resources. Involving students in this venture will be experiential learning for them, how to do it? The unit will also guide you on this aspect.

B. Formulation of The Problem
1) What is the meaning of learning                       material ?
2) What are the types of learning                           materials ?
3) How to develop learning materials ?

C. Purpose
1) Can know about the understanding of            learning material 
2) Can know kind of learning material                and exampel


Sabtu, 23 November 2019


Meaning and 

This chapter considers the role of definition in the description of meaning, through four 
main questions: 
◆ What units need to receive definition? 
◆ What forms should the definitions take?
◆ Can definitions be grounded in a set of semantic primitives?
◆ What is the place of definition in semantics generally?

        We begin by contrasting the types of definition that might appear in dictionaries from the types that interest a theoretical semantic analysis. Before any definition can begin, we have to confront an initial question: what are the meaning-bearing units of the language for which definitions are required? We explore this question by looking at meaning on, above and below the word level in paying particular attention to certain problematic cases. The next section distinguishes definition of things (real definition) from definition of meanings (nominal definition), and cognitive from extensional definitions, and discusses some differences of opinion in linguistics as to what the proper objects of linguistic definition are . We then distinguish different possible definitional strategies, including
◆ definition by ostension 
◆ definition by synonymy 
◆ definition by context and typical exemplar 
◆ definition by genus and differentia 

  The test of truth preserving substitutability is introduced as a standard criterion of definitional adequacy, and we discuss the problem of definitional circularity and the question of semantic primitives .We then exemplify the extreme difficulty involved in couching successful definitions of words, before finally devoting some discussion to the relationship between definition and understanding .